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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    020-5 Los Angeles, April 2, 19^3 Mr. J. L. Hall: Oar requisition No* #WL1 of Jan* 27# 19^3 order­ed following material to be used in repairs to weir boxes as Lae Vegasi 33 Pos. 2"xl*»x6» Redwood SIStK 33 « 3"xfc*x6» Ditto. 66 Bolts 1/2* x *M6* Sq. Hd. thread* 132 M V 2 Washers. 30 lbs. 20d Oement ooated# oommon nails* You advised that the Redwood limber had already been received at Las Vegas. Los Angeles Store advises status of delivery of re­maining items is as follows: 132 M W 2 washers hauled to freight house by L. A. store truck, March 22nd, 1$^3* X believe you have record of this shipment although you have not yet reoeived the washers: (6 6 Bolts 1/2* x - H-* thread. 166 Sq. Huts (30 for 1/2" bolts. lbs* 20d cement ooated, oommon nails. v \ all in oar U.P. 13*&25 at Los Angeles, March 15th, 19^3* L. A. I'j Store says this oar had material for Yermo in it also. Wish you would please be on the lookout for these * 1 bolts and nails and make repairs to weir boxes as soon as mater­ial is reoeived, advising when done. 1:'T- R* L. Adamson I r« 00-Ur. J* P* Mack - L.A. ^ lpSSs^>Copy on File 733^ - L.V. Water Facilities (Weir Boxes)