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I agree.Los Angelos - May 23, 19*4 GCP - LV, LA & OL Have arranged with Lane Welle to have men and equipment* except holet, at L? Thure night to perforate Well Ho. 10 In order supplement our miter supply. Which has fallen off badly past year* Chi Sunday I arranged with JMA at LV to move hoist from present location in field to Well No. 10 and pull pump not later than Thure PM so Lane Wells men can use hoist and proceed immediately with their work. This outfit Qosting ue about #500 a day. Have wire from JMA this AM advising cannot use water service true for this purpoee and therefore unable begin the work. Do not see how we can get along in water field at Vegas without truck available to move hoist and for other emergency purposes, particularly as our prodn present time is so close to hot weather requirements. If this truok cannot be used for that purpose I would like to know at onoe, as it will be necessary for me to make standing contraot with some outfit at Vegas that can furnish truok on short notice* and in this particular oaee will be necessary that I arrange for outside truok to bo on Job 8 o #oloek tomorrow morning. It is absolutely necessary pump be pulled from Ho. 10 not later than Thure PM. Appreciate your advice. 8-156