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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V Form 2191-B 1-42-1M M UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Time Filed M TELEGRAM Omaha - April 18, 1945. F8, Los Angelas S-273. Air Hail to you today* C-332 CC - AIR MAIL - SPECIAL DELIVERY Mr* Frank Strong, Manager Industrial Development GTW 1050 A Union P a cific Railroad Co., 422 West Sixth Street, Los Angeles 14, C a lif. Enclosed are follow ing attachments, fo r your f i l e : LVL&W Co* - Copy of form WPB 3467 "Application fo r a Necessity Certi­fic a te fo r Tax Amortization Privelege under Section 124 o f Internal Revenue Code" dated Febr.23, 1945, amount $34,740*00; also copy of Government form GA 1239 assigned Serial No* NC 8868, issued March 28, 1945, representing c e r tific a te to amortize* NOTE: With my Mailgram to you March 29th, I attached orig in a l o f approved form WPB 2774 Serial NC 8868,which furnished to the LVL&W (on la s t page) P riority Assistance and Authority to Begin Construction* LA&SL RR - Copy o f form WPB 3467 "Application fo r a Necessity Certi­fic a te fo r Tax Amortization Privelege under Section 124 of Internal Revenue Code" dated Febr. 23, 1945, amount $51,360*00; also copy of Government form GA 1239, assigned Serial NC 8867, issued April 10, 1945, representing c e r ti­fic a te to amortize* Original o f LA&SL p roject application on form WPB 617 "Application fo r Authority to Acquire or Construct Faci­l i t i e s " dated Febr. 23, 1945, amount $51,360*00, assigned Serial No*NC 8867* The approval o f th is application, with p rio rity assistance and Authority to Begin Construction,you w ill observe is furnished on la s t page o f the form, marked form GA 1456 issued April 11, 1945. G. T* W. Copf, 1-7334 - Oris; 7334 I Las Vegas - Water F a c ilitie s C*. ^ _ T?*1 Exv4t* aevnvcsi ion Ao-Pf TWfif a4-ter Lines m