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    Office of C o u n t y Surveyor LaeVegas - M a y 16, 1938* Mr, Walter R. Bracken, Las Vegaa Land and W a t e r G o . , Las Vegas, Nevada. D e a r Sirs This w i l l call t o your a t t e n t i o n the matter of an u n d e r g r o u n d water survey for Las Vegas Valley, in which the City and County have b e e n interested for a long time# It has finally developed that the U, S. Geological Survey has offered to conduct such a survey with the unde r s t a n d i n g that those b e n e f itting c o n t r i ­bute 5 0 $ of the cost, estimates at fl,000, the work to be done by experienced engineers connected w i t h the Water Resources Division, who have condu c t e d similar work in N o r t h Dakota and New Mexico. The Colorado River Commission of Nevada has also offered the s e r ­vices of a n engineer a n d likewise the State E n g i n e e r ’s office of this State, It is therefore ne os8 ary to raise 1500.00, locally, to meet the Feeeral funds available on a c o ­operative basis, and the R e c l a m a t i o n a n d Power C o m ­m i t t e e of the Chamber of Commerce, of which I a m the chairman, has met with b o t h City and County b o a r d s a n d secured their a s s u rance of f i n a n c i a l aid. Since your c o m p a n y is a l s o vit a l l y inter­ested in the development and conservation of possibly our greatest natural resource teere, water, it is sug­g e s t e d that the plan be a d o p t e d that the City, County and vour c o m p a n y each furnish one-third of the funds, or fj§86,66 eaoh. The project will take about three months, and we are interested in s t a r t i n g the work as soon as possible. V b r y truly yours, / sgd/ C, D, BAKER, C i t y and County Engineer.