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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LA-20-6 Omaha, October 14, 1936 Mr, A.L, Goey -.L os Angeles: Tour le t t e r o f October 5th relative to water f a c i l ­it ie s at Las Vegas: Print of Drawing 41092 does not clearly show the pipe lin e situation from the settlin g basin to the reservoir, or from the reservoir to the shop grounds, I would lik e to be advised the else and kind o f pipe between the settlin g basin and the reservoir and the length of same, and the size, kind and length of pipe between the reservoir and the shop grounds. I t is my remembrance that we have one continuous lin e of 24* oast iron pipe between the reservoir and the shop grounds and one lin e of 16" pipe between the same points, partly of oast iron pipe and partly wood stave pipe, and would like definite information as to just where the wood stave pipe is located and the length of same. w ell we should have more pipe lin e capacity between the settlin g basin and the reservoir, otherwise we w ill always lose water at the settlin g basin account the one string of 24" pipe shown on print not being su fficien t to carry increased amount of water. the cost of the new well plus the pipe line to settlin g basin. W ill there not be some expense fo r fence around the new well? I t also seems to me that i f we go ahead with a new I note your estimate fo r new w ell simply includes Please le t me have above information promptly GC-Mr.]?.H.Khickerbocker-Loa Angeles M r.B.H.Prater-Salt Lake,