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    O rig 9315-355 Las Vegas Townsite-water system - LVL&W Co. ‘?''Copy 9215-355 Las Vegas Water F a c i l i t i e s & supply, LA&SL R R Co. ^Oopy 085-355 Las Vegas-Sales o f la t e r and e l e c t r i c i t y by LA&SL to K e LVL&W Co, Copy 9215-355 Las Vegas, Boulder R e a lty C o.- sale o f water t o . Lot A n geles, A p ril 30, W £9• e a ift - s ft Mr. 1. M. Jofiorsi R eferrin g to your i-1 5 7 A p ril 33 regarding water m atters a t Lee fogs#* I am enclosing copy o f Mr* Molamee * s lo t tor to me A pril 27* !m which he answers in the affirm ative Hr, Gray1® inmiiry regarding th© Land m d Water Company*« right to plsc© franchise motor rate® in e ffe c t. I t is also Mr• M o p i n i o n th at the "oom K iesioa would have a r ig h t to con sid er and order an in crea se in the f l a t ra tes i f the fa c te would w arrant." *n proposing in crea sed r a te s , be would cower the e n tire s itu a t io n w ith in the C ity o f Lae Vegas, »e* cu rin g C e r t ific a t e o f Convenience and X eeeeelty to serve a l l t e r r it o r y , except th ose su b d iv ision s f o r which C e r t ific a t e s are now held or th e e a rly secu rin g o f which i s a n ticip a te d toy o u tsid e water com panies. ffce t e r r it o r y to to© in clu d ed in the Land and Water Company*a C e r t ific a t e would under th ie pro­p osal in clu d e the R a ilroa d Company*e in d u s tr ia l p rop erty north o f our tra c k s , hut i t 1© to toe understood, o f cou rse, th at the R ailroad Company w i l l use i t s own w ater supply f o r r a ilr o a d p u rposes. Mr. plan sm m to toe a l o g i c a l one. Xt w i l l toe n oted th a t he ad vises a charge o f $i per cu , f t . fo r water s o ld at w h olesale, in v o lv in g term in ation o f e x is tin g ooa tra ote and en terin g in to new one® on th at