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    F O R M 5 5 2 7 -B 2 -53 -500M j U N IO N P A C IF IC R A IL R O A D C O M P A N Y S A % TELEGRAPHING 1 ,NDB“ M A I L G R A M SAVE TELEGRAPHING Los Angeles - October 28, 1955 Mr. J. R, MacAnally - Omaha: Mr. S. A. Klippel - Omaha: cc: Mr. C. M. Cory - Las Vegas Mr. W. R. Neustrom - Las Vegas Mr. J. W. Padden - L.A. Referring to Mr. Padden*s A-579. I discussed this matter with Mr. Spencer Butterfield, President of the Bank of Nevada, over the phone, and drew his atten­tion to the fact that the Chamber of Commerce of Las Vegas had, under date of June 1955# prepared an elaborate brochure covering statistical data showing, in general, the growth of Las Vegas and its Industries. Mr. Butter­field advised me that his committee was familiar with that brochure and had discussed It with Senator Malone, but had been advised by the Senator that Information furnished by the average Chamber of Commerce of any city is looked upon with somewhat of a jaundiced eye, and the Senator suggested an Independent study would carry con­siderable more weight with the other Senators and F.H.A. officials in Washington. Mr, Butterfield further told me that he had contacted the Stanford Research Bureau in California, there being no local man in Las Vegas who would be capable of doing this job, and the Stanford Research Bureau, which does considerable work of this character, had agreed to send a man down to Las Vegas at its expense to go over the situation and advise Mr. Butterfield*s committee about how long a study would take and about how much it would cost. He stated that when they had secured that informa­tion he would get In touch with me. It is my personal opinion that we should go along with a transaction of this kind if and when we are definitely advised of the total cost thereof and the allocation of such costs, Mr. Butterfield stated that they were hopeful the cost would not exceed $2,000, but X think he is somewhat optimistic• I will keep you advised from time to time of any later developments. M-76. 1> E. Bennett EEB:ps