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I agree.OFFICERS WHO ARE NOT DIRECTORS i Date o f f e r e o f E le c tio n O ffic e Character o f Business Address Bloom 11- 1^-30 1 year R a ilro a d Los A n geles, C a l. T ruelsen 0 0 FURTHERMORE» th at the p r in c ip a l o f f i c e o f s a id Coepany In the S tate o f Nevada i s lo c a te d at Second and Lewis S t r e e t s , C ity o f Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, and th at 1. R. Bracken i s the duly a u th o rise d re sid e n t agent o f s a id co rp o ra tio n in charge o f s a id o f f i c e upon whoa p ro cess can he served* se c re ta ry . CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE Of APPOINTMENT I I &E31DIST AGENT I , i . R. BRACKEN, hereby c e r t i f y th a t on the _________ day o f • IQ I accepted the appointaent as Resident Agent o f the w ith in e n t it le d c o rp o ra tio n in accordance w ith S ection 78, Chapter 177. S tatu te s o f Nevada, 19&§. IN fIf1 1 S 8 IHEREOF, I have hereunto se t ay hand t h is . day o f . 1911• Resident Agent.