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    Mr. Bennett 3/22/5** Page 2 Mo work has been done under this work order &a Mr. Goehran was unable to make required deposit. Subdivision map was changed to provide for only 20 lots instead of the 82 lots included in original application. In his letter of March 5, 195**> copy attached, Mr. Cochran of Morning View Heights has requested revised plan of water mains to serve only 20 lots and change in the basis of agreement from deposit and Water Company construction to basis of private contract. On the basis of Mr. Ooohran’s request, revised map and estimate were prepared and submitted to Mr. James M. Montgomery with ray letter of March 8, 195**, copy to you, which was approved by Mr, Montgomery and the Water District subject to receipt of three bids, which Sub-divider has now forwarded. Mr, Cochran now states that he will proceed on the basis of private eontract as soon as he has our approval. This requested change in plans provides for 8* water main in Oakey Boulevard between points C and B only Instead of between points A and B as provided for in original application and covered by Work Order ?**5. **. Above change leaves a gap in the main 8* feeder line between points A and 0, for which we have no application and none in prospect. I have made inquiries as to whether present owners are planning any subdivision in this area and 1 find no one is Interested. 5* Referring to attached map, it will be readily seen that the single 8* water main at point D is Inadequate to serve all of the area east of 15th Street, especially in view of the fact that approximately 500 new homes in this area will require water service by next June or July. In addition to the new homes, this situation is made more difficult by the fact that the elevation of the ground at point of present supply to Charleston Park Subdivision at Oakey Boulevard and lastern Avenue at point F is 58 feet lower than point B and 119 feet lower than point A. 6. Referring to the map it will be seen that the Oakey Boulevard water main Is connected to the Charleston Boulevard 2*** main to 12w and 10M mains to 10th Street and Oakey Boulevard, where it reduces to 8s in site, and it is ray opinion that if this gap in the water main between points A and 0 can be constructed with a pressure reducing valve just east of 15th Street, we will receive the benefit of an additional supply to the whole eastern area and be able to get by for the next few months at least. However, if we do not fill this gap within the next 30 days or two months at the outside, we are going to be faced with a very difficult situation and I am firmly convinced that,