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I agree.> l»&s Vegas - May 14, 1954 W 9-1-3 }£r. L. V. Peart - Omaha Please refer to my letter of May 12, 1954, with which I transmitted to your office the Annual Inventory of materials and supplies on hand at Las Vegas, Nevada. In connection with the above please refer to Sheet No. 4 of our inventory on which under the caption “Parts • for No. 2§' AW Valve Boxes, are the following items: No. 160 Oval Base 46 ea. @8.50 Bottom Section 14 ea. @ 4.25 Lid 3 ea. ® 2.25 Total $ 391.00 59.50 6.75 T w t Will you kindly arrange to charge these items to the April M.O.H. accounts and credit Account No. 30-2 advising. Also please refer to my letter of April 7, 1954, above file, furnishing you the charges and credits to M.O.H. accounts for July, 1954. Please note that draft No* 8?8 in the amount of #1.66 was charged to M.O.H. accounts although draft 878 was reported on Form 5064 which was attached to our Form 6 for July 2nd, as being chargeable to Account 30-2. This Is to advise that the Form 5064 should be corrected to read charge M.O.H, I might add that draft 8?8 in the amount of #1.66 Is covered in your Transfer Entry No. 1, now in possession of Mr. MeC&fferty at Las Vegas. L. H* Maag MED:ejp