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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - Deoember 2, 1953 ¥ 2 >1-135 Mr* 0, M* Cory - Las Vegas oot Mr* w®. Reinhardt Mr* I* E. Bennett Please refer to Mr. Bennett1* letter to yon dated Nov. 27* 1953, file 36-15 HSV relative to proposed fora of release to be furnished by Mr. Weingart in connection with hie development of Charleston Park Subdivision, Las Vegas, Nevada* In oonneotlon with Mr. Bennett*e suggestion that it might be well to tie into this release some description of the property effected in order that it may be recorded and become a matter of public record, X am submitting below a metes and bounds description of the undsdle&ted portion of Oakey Boulevard between Eastern Avenue and Southern Nevada Power Company right-of-way with the suggestion that this description be used in the proposed release as defining the location of property frontage adjoining Oakey Boulevard from which the revenue received by the Water Company fro® consumers having a frontage thereon would be released by the signers of the release* It is suggested that the wording of the release, in part, be somewhat along the following linest Whereby release would relinquish to Ben Weingart any and all right to receive refunds from revenue received from customers of the Lae Vegas Land and Water Company immediately adjacent to and adjoining the following described area which le the presently undedlo&tsd area proposed for future extension of Oakey Boulevard in said city as indicated on subdivision map of Charleston Park tract Bo* 1, as recorded in Book a, Page 15, of Plats, Clark County Nevada Records, and as indicated on subdivision map Charleston Park tract Ho. 2, as recorded in Book 4, Page 16, of Plats, Clark County Nevada Records, between Eastern Avenue and Southern Nevada Power Company right-of-way and taking direct service from water main to be constructed In said Oakey Boulevard. Commencing at the Center of Section 2, t*21S., R.61S., M.D.B.&M., being the point of beginning; thence it 88*58 * S# bo feet to a point; thence § 0*53* E, 30 feet to a point; thence N 88*581 E. 675.51 feet to & point; thence northerly on a curve to the left, having a radius of 1722.0b feet and centre! angle of b°19*b6% 27.73 feet to a point; thence northerly on a curve to the right, having a radius of 1782*04*, and central angle of ¥*19*b6i, 32.27 feet to a point; thence 8 88*581 W. 713*25 feet to a point; thence 3 0*53* E, 30 feet to the point of beginning. Commencing at the Center of Section 2, T.21S., R*611*, M.P*1*AM., thence N 88*58* E, 7?h*h? feet to the point of beginning; thence northerly along a curve to the left, having & radius of 1782.0b feet, and central angle of b*19*b6% 2*27 feet to a point; thence