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    M A I L G R A M Las Vegas - June 30, 195^ Mr* V* W* Smith * Los Angeles Re your X-724 dated June 25, and X-666 dated June 8 , 195^, r e la t i v e to unauthorized occupancy o f Union P a c ific R ailro ad Shop Yard grounds by LVL&W employees* Upon in v e s tig a t io n a t the time o f re c e ip t o f your X-666 I found that only one employee had a t r a i l e r on the Shop grounds* This employee named L o la P e lro y , who i s employed by the Water Company as a maid in the rooming house, was n o t ifie d to remove her t r a i l e r from R a ilro a d p rop erty . Upon re c e ip t o f your X-724 I then contacted L o la P e lro y and she advised that she had not yet been a b le to fin d a new lo c a t io n f o r her t r a i l e r and had not yet moved her t r a i l e r from R a ilro a d p ro p e rty . I , th e re fo re , suggest i f the R a il­road Company d e s ire s her to remove her t r a i l e r from R a ilro a d property th at they n o t ify her o f the fa c t and take whatever action i s deemed ap p ro p riate to secure compliance* M 83 L* R* Haag