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I agree.Lag Vegas V - August 10, 1953 co: Mr* R. L. Adamson Attached please find clipping of an article from Las Vegas Review Journal, dated August 3* 1953 which is headed "On the Town" and which refers to the lack of "beacon lights on top of elevated steel tank, erected by Union Pacific Railroad on Vest Charleston Boulevard near Hyde Park Subdivision, Las Vegas, Nevada. Also attaching copies of correspondence between Mr. R. L« Adamson dated May 2o, 1952 and Department of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Administration dated June 13, 1952, in which question of aircraft warning lights or other requirements was raised with the Civil Aeronautics Administration, applicable to the erection of th is tank, to which the Civil Aeronautics Administration advised that "It is believed unnecessary to obstruction paint or obstruction light the tank at this time*. Mr* Wm« Reinhardt - Los Angeles L . R. Haag LRMi rr