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Mr. A* S. Stoddard • Omaha Los Angeles 1-7334 cei w, H. Bulal&«p W, C, Perkins L , f t * Mn a g bee: V. w. Smith Hecorjiaenda11 on for Las Vegas Land and Water Company authority to construct at joint expense of Water Company and Mr, J. Moore, Jr*# 126 Lf of 6* o«.st Iron water main, replacing 110 LF of existing 6“ cast iron water main, located on property of Mr. W* J. Moore, Jr., In Lot 1, Block 5# Desert Park #2, Las Vegas, Nevada, at an estimated cost of 11,030*00, of which t930*Q0 Is chargeable to Investment which Is divided, 4620.00 at Water Company’s expense and 1310.00 at expense of Hr. J, Moore, Jr,, Credit to investment account for property retired la |293*of 1636.00, S9 resulting in & net charge to investment account When existing 6s water main was laid in its present position on the property now owned by Mr, Moore, this area was undeveloped and pipe line was placed in its present position parallel to an old fence line in an area which was thought would be dedicated as a public street. It subsequently developed that this land was acquired by private owners in a subdivision which now constitutes a portion of privately owned property in Desert Park #2, Mo easement was ever required for this line in Its present location* Mr. Moors, owner of Lot 1 Block 5, is now claiming that the above mentioned pipe line crosses his property, for which no easement m s obtained and that pipe line should be removed at Company*s expense. this property was sold by Mr. Moore to a purchaser who turned it back to hi® due to the fact that it became known that existing pipe line crossed the property at a location where he proposed to build a home. Mr. Moore now has another prospective purchaser for this lot, who proposes to construct a swimming pool at location of existing pipe line but refuses to go through with the deal until said pipe line is removed.