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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. E, E. Bennett - Loe Angeles 00s Mr. Calvin Cory - Las Vegas Mr. Wei, Reinhardt « Los Angeles Mr. 3. L. Adamson « Los Angeles Please r e fe r to your le t t e r dated May 1, 1953, F ile 36- 1 5 , r e la tiv e to proposed agreement 8ttftL.tL 2669 between the Las Vegas Land and wate r Company and Valley Enterprises, In c ,, which was submitted to you by Mr, Calvin Cory with Ms le t t e r o f A pril 25, 1953# In which I note you suggest that I furnish Mr, Cory with description o f easement area, which would not be encumbered by buildings recently constructed by Mr, MaePeek o f Valley © iterprlses, In c,, over pipe lin e easement located on northerly lo f t , o f Lot M, Park Place Addition, Las Vegas, Nevada, In order to furnish the easement description men­tioned, I t w ill be necessary to make a f ie ld survey to locate the existing buildings, pipe lin e s , e tc ., as they exist today, as w ell as, property corners and existing easement. Due to the fa c t that the northerly lin e o f Lot N Is now the subject o f dispute between Valley Enterprises, In c., as represented by Mr. MacPeok, and the property owner adjoining. I t is my opinion that such a survey, i f undertaken, should be made by & lo ca l registered surveyor. I suggest that you discuss this with Mr. Reinhardt and I f he approves the expenditure, I w ill contact a loca l surveyor and secure an estimate o f cost. I do not believe that such a survey should be made by the Railroad Company * s survey party. Las Vegas - May k t 1953 \ U 2 y - U ~ k