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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    March 11, 1953 Mr* Robert A* Allen Chairman, Public Service Commission of Nevada Carson City, Nevada. Dear Sir* Referring to Decision January 2?, 1953 In Case No* 1207 - water service furnished residents of the City of Lae Vegas, Nevada, and Order attached thereto; Following is statement showing data with respect to completion of work ordered by the Commission; {1} Percentage of completion for entire project - 5$ as of March 11, 1953* (2) Requisitions for all materials have been made and purchase orders issued. (3) All of the electrical material and pump for well #10 are now on job. Electrical work is approximately 10$ complete and work of installing pump in Well #10 will be started next week* Foundation excavations for motors on Wells 3 and k are complete and concrete is expected to be placed next week* Very truly yours,