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I agree.Las Vegas • Jfcly 1951 » 2>l>.?k Hr* a* M* C o rjt oo - Hr* l* E* Bennett W ill you please prepare eosenent fro© Donald L« Bean and Qrpha B* Reas, M o wife* to Lao Vegas Land and Water Company fo r the construction* naintenanee and use of water naina and service o vuieotion w ith s ig h t of ingress and agrees over- the follow ing described parcel of lands ? That ce rta in a trip of land 10 fo o t in width* h a lm a po rtio n o f the swf of the t m of Section 3, ?* 21 «** I. 61 E*? NQBftff* in the C i ^ of Lae ? « * # o f 01ar&# State of neva&a, th® center lin e o f said a trip being described as tallmmt Beginning at the aoutheaat com er o f Lot o* in Block 2# Desert Park* as pi_ nap reoordod in Booh 3* Page 4 , of Plata* Heoorda of said Oountyf tlisnoe southerly along the aoutherly prolongation of the easterly lin e o f said Lot o* a distance of 36o*o feet* also please prepare M U of sale frora Hr* Beam to the Water Ccapany conveying the water lin e constructed pursuant to Contract *1?*L*B. 2^3^* ¥* H* Johnson