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I agree.Las Vegas • July 26* 1951 L« A® White* Referring to your memorandum Fona 215 of Ju ly 23* 1951* ana w ith re tw m of S i l l He* 137 against C ity of Las Vegas pursuant to C ity Purchase Order Ro. 97IP* handling snoh chargee and oradits on the general hooka, we would appreciate your advice as to how the d is trib u tio n should he made* As indicated In d e ta il of charges aoootananylng our le t t e r #75*62 should he charged to A/B from C ity of Las Vegas, #46,44 representing value of m aterial and la b o r paid fo r by C ity and ca p ita lise d as a Donation, and the balance of H 2 «2 l re p re se n t 105 cheated fo r overhead and supervision* I t would appear the amount of #134*2? should be credited as follows* Sot being fa m ilia r w ith procedure followed in A/K * C ity of Las Vegas Donation Hiac* Revenues W* H® Johnson