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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr, Vb « Reinhardt* I attach copy of application by M, L* Thomas for purchase of lots 11 and 12 In block 2# tract 23^8 at Xerao, Thomas Is employed lay the Railroad Company as an electrician at Xerao and wishes to purchase the lots for the purpose of building a heme and, possibly, an auto court. While there are a number of homes on Bloom St*, the main highway through Xerao, it would appear tide location across from the sehool could probably be better utilised for business purposes. Out standing authority for sale of these lots is |&0§ for the corner lot and #350 for the Inside lot, and It has been our practice to require cash on delivery of the deed. It Is ay understanding that lot 12 Is under lease to Nevada Outdoor Advertising Company, but X assume arrangements could be made tc remove the sign beard on due notice, tfcider the circumstances, do you consider It desirable to sSll then. Las Vegas - September 28, 1950 s»5 A* M, Folger