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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    L&a Yagas - February 9* 1950 W 2 > 1 Mr, Wm, Reinhardt V# have received an application from Harry M&ck for extension of water main under Rule 9-A thru Stock ll of the l4th Street Addition, he considered exorbitant for 400 fast, and he atatsd this would make ths project financially lmpoefftbl# as ha owned # eleven of tho fourteen lota in ths Blodk, Z akp ad to M ® that this estimate Inoludsd a tie-in lino at the north end of the hlook HI Bonanza Hoad, as ths Public Service Com®iaalbn had asked us to eliminate as many deadends as possible in our system. It is his contention that the cost of the tie-in line should not be saddled on the subdivider in as much as he Is interested only in supplying water to his lots and not the general improvement of ths water system. oelve IU11 returns on the oost of pipe lino in Hook Id only, in the next ton years, it is doubtful we could require him to finance the oost of the tie-in line, however Z shall appreciate the benefit of your advise. design covered by estimate *A* is approved please request work order authority. Z quoted him an estimate of $2460,00 which Considering that he possibly will not ro- Altemate estimates are attached. Zf the A. K« Folger,