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I agree.Fogogpy 20, 1950 XT* H. W« Hgisff Oaliforal*»?astf£t Utilities a#* Wlnnosuoea, Sow&da Pear Mr, Lindseys ffca r&t* schedule undo* which v« art now operating has bean la effect slnoe 1951, and we are planning to aalc tha Public S a m o a Oosisiaalon for perslaeloa to amend tha rates to permit a reasonable return on It 1# nor understanding that your company aafcad for and received a similar increase la %$m under tha Oomralaaion*# Gass # 1165, If you have a oopy of tha opinion Issued in that o&sa, and It la en- tlraly coaststend with your regulations , will appraolata it wary much if you can favor »a with a oopy of tho opinion whloh would ba of oonslderabl* interest in our Oast* Thanking you for your oonaidaav atlon, 1 as, Tory truly yours. A* M® Folg«r