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I agree.Mr* L. A* White* Las Togas • April 12, 1950 V 2>l~2fc { oo Hr* &, L* Adamson deferring to my latter# August 15* 19^9 regarding charges to w©»5**0 covering pip# line extensions in Charleston Square under 0/A 10503 with M&afcercr&ft Homes and 0/A 10507 with Reuben Specklort Ohder date of January 26, 1950 w# entered into an agreement with Kaa tore raft Homes, 0/A 10530* covering extension in Thelma. Lane at an estimated most of $2010, which the sub- divider advanced* I nmt enclose detail of charges, which you will note amounts to flb58*&l, to which should be added 10# for supervision and overhead, making total cost to sub&ivider |l6o^*2$. If our figures are correct, & refund of W 5 . 7 5 is due the suMlvi&er, for which we attach Form 1$3* This final portion of WO-5^0 was started February 27th and expiated March 3» 1950, and consisted of a connection In Thelma Lane between the mains installed previously in l?th street and Hillside Piece. Z am sending Mr. Adamson copy of this letter for preparation of "As Constructed" Print* Service numbers 9176 to 9199 inclusive are aseigned this refund contract* For the benefit of the depreciation sohedule,- following la diameter and cost of pipes 6-inch - 500 feat - |Xb58*bl A. M. Folger