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upr000177 216


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    !*as Vegas - A p ril 26, 1950 R -13i Hr. A* a. Ritters lour letter April 25th, file 733**# regarding the have tfolzinger scrap metal lease. Hr. Wolzlnger advises that he shipped 76 care in 19**9* freight charges on which were $38,000 and has so far this year shipped lh cars. However because of the poor market for scrap he has changed his operations, shipping the scrap direct from whatever location he ht$s instead of the has Vegas site. However he still requires a address for his office and requests a renewal for one year. He does not need the full depth of 300 feet and asks if this •an he reduced to a site 100 ft. by 100 ft. A. X. Folger