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upr000177 157


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Sir 19# 1950 W 2 > 5 3»rv No 8681 A* Pode?? ist Market Court Angeles 21# California B«ar Sf* Podasta.1 Tals will acknowledge receipt of rote* shack la the aaoisct of $37*00 p&gmmt 00 tester bills a t your Las Ve^as, for the souths of January thru Aril inclusive. As p r e v io u s ly a d v is e d wm do n e t r e n d e r bill*, all our water being charged on a H a t rat* basis, and w# suggest shat you have your bookkeeper place tills la the rsoaerring nmtuly account* in order that your ohaok ©ay be «ub~ taitted currently* Incidentally as your check was atad* in the snount of 137.00, and m the rate per aoath Is $8*00 we have therefor* credited this #37*00 as follow*? §8*00 for January# February, u reh and April. #5*00 Ooracccunt for Kay leaving a balance 4u* for the ©cuth *f Key #5ioo* Tery truly yours Oeneral Manager