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Bari & B&rl Attorney! at Law 223 Fremont Street l»a* Yoga*, Nevada May 24, 1930 has Yogas feat # Water Co, L&a Yegas, Nevada Gentlemen: We represent Mr* Joe Pittman, who resides at 2508 Cedar Street. Mr. Pittman owns his home at this address. On the evening of Kay 5, 195$$ a tlx ineh water main at about Tvslvth and Stewart Streets broke and the water ran for some hours before it was stopped. The water ran down Stewart Street until it earns to a dead end at 25th Street. It ran down 25th Street. Then it ran aorose Mr. Pittman’s property doing eoneiderable damage. It washed out about one*-half of a gravel oirole driveway in front of his house. It also washed several gullies across his property and sarrisd away considerable soil. Mr. Pittman estimates that it would tabs at least fifty yards of gravel to put his driveway bask in shape and at least 100 square yards of soil to fill up the gullies washed aoroes his property. Mr, Pittman’s property at 250$ Cedar Street Is in the same eonditlon now as it was when the water first ran across his property and oan be inepeoted by anyone whom you send down to look at it. Mr. Pittman requests that you reconstruct his driveway and fill in the gullies or in ths alternative, pay him a sum sufficient this done. eo that he oan have You may oontaot Mr. Pittman personally regarding this matter or you oan take it up with us. If no satisfactory agreement oan go reached, then Mr. Pittman has requested us to file suit to recover the damage to his property, Yery truly yours* EARL & EARL Marlon" B. E&rii MBE/mat