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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Hay 31# 1950 w 2>1 isr* W. Q, Anderson City Engineer Las Vegas * Mev&da Star Sr* Anderson* It is Jgj understanding that consideration is being given to & request to change the existing alloy on the south side of Fremont between Tenth and Seventh Streets where tine ocwanenood construction S ro,f Aa lbaumiold ing anda wth ionceh construction was stopped as a result of protests by the undersigned and property owners In. that block. We were present at a public hs&rlng held In the City Hall. April 22, 1 & & and based our pro­tests on the following basis! Cl) Generally we ftlt It was wrong to In­convenience ftp of the property owners In that block, merely to accomodate one owner, Mr, Delkln, (2) Spoolftoally, we objected to the Water Company being required to relocate gialis that were installed in good faith prior to 1929 in the alley as It has always existed* Other property owners in the block also pro­tested and Mr* Belkin was present and was given an opportunity to be heard.