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upr000176 557


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas « July 21f 1949 W 23-1-4? Mr* L, A* Whltfll - Qnmhjft Xour K&ilgraa 3-445 regarding th» Bonanza Village vater system, Following la the Information requested for the benefit of our depreciation records* 2* Mr, fibertl advises the system m a completed In June 1946, 3* Mr, flbertl advises he took a 2$ depreciation on his account #Lotc and Water Sy»t«a«# 4. While our portion of the pipeline construction covered tgr WO-614 was completed ipril 16 we had to wait for the Railroad Company to complete its portion of the transmission line and pump house and* therefore, took over operation in Bonanza Tract as of July 1, %fkm. F-49 A* M* Folger