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upr000176 121


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Koyeaber 2£, 1CA9 Kr, 4* ¥. Arrowsalth 151 South 1 Kata* 0cd#r City, Utah Offer Sin In r#*?ly to your lot tor of Hovm b«r 2fth regarding rotund on your rout for rooa # 30, VomnilMr* At no ford&rding address' to which to forward « rtf xind our Y' ufthsIrt f#t3 3w6i tihn «t®he oaouat of $10.78 was ferw r&cd a few day# ago to Oanha and the address to which your cheek would ho s®eon#tt wWaass,h incgatro#n ,o fL ohsa sAtn#gre lMeesc ha2n3i, c,C aluinfuoir nOioa.., %3&1 I- an forwarding a copy of this letter to the Master Mechanic and to our Auditor in Omhs. so that the check esay be forwarded to your -or©sent address* Very truly yours. Central Manages* eeee MMra.s tLe«r aMe. cMhain®ic, Auditor