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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    COKE (Preliminary draft, Easements from SPUR Co.) —2— of Bonanza Road; thenoe feat along a lino parallel to the South line of Bonanza Road and uniformly 388 feet distant therefrom to a point on the Sfeast line of the said 3W}, also A strip 20 feet in width being 10 feet on e&oh aide of the fol­lowing described centerline. Commencing at a point on the K*at line of the SS} of the if} of said section 29, a distance thereon South 388 feet frots the South line of Bonanza Road? thence A f t along a line parallel to the South line of Bonanza Road and uniformly 388 feet distant therefrom to a point on the feet line of Ranch Road, also A strip 20 feet in width being 10 feet on each side of the fol­lowing described centerline. Commencing at a point on the East line of the ME} of said Section 32, distant thereon Horth 10 feet from the SE corner of the MI} ©f the said ME}| thence west along a line parallel to the South line of the said MS} of the 81} and uniformly 10 feet distant there­from to a point on the feet line of Ranch Road, also A strip 20 feet In width being 10 feet on each side of the fol­lowing described centerline. Commencing at a point on the lest line of the MW} of said Section 33 distant thereon Horth 10 feet from the % corner of the 1 } of the said MW}; thence East along a line parallel to the South line of the said M} of the MW} and uniformly 10 feet distant there­from to a point on the East line of the said MW}, also A strip 20 feat in width being 10 feet on each side of the fol­lowing described centerline. Commencing at a point on the West line of the MS} of said Section 33, distant thereon Horth 10 feet fro® the 8W comer of the