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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    W 2 > 1 V 18-6-2 Las Vegas - February 23, 1948 Mr. L. A. Whites Referring to your letter February 3, fil® BD l-o, transmitting statement showing number of feet of ygriOttB size of pip® line in 1946, at Las Vegas? place as of December 31** We have compared this statement with the foot- ages shown in Annual Report, and agree that the difference in six inch pipe is due to duplicating footages for Work Orders 429 and 522, and including footage for W0~4?O at the time it was physically completed in 1943, although same was not financially complete until 194?* This was the pipe line in Huntridge Unit Mo. 6, piling Informaytoiuo knn ofwo,r itthe hAansn ubaele nR eopuorr tp,r actot iaced d ine accohm­year the footage installed under various work orders, and to subtract therefrom any retirements made during the year. As it now appears that we are to adopt a new basis from which reports for future years will be made, i thought it best to review all of our old work orders in order to be sure that the new basis thus adopted would be correct and would reflect the actual footage as shown in work order closeout reports* We have compiled a statement, based on work order closeouts, and are enclosing same in triplicate, for comparison with the statement attached to your letter, which latter statement was apparently prepared from maps and As Constructed prints. Fleas© note we are substantially in accord on the larger diameters, that is: 8-inch, 10-inch, 12-lnch and 16-inch lines, but there is some differences in the smaller diameters, as fellows: 3-inch: We were unable to locate in our files ths 1910 Work Order referred to (No. 928), but used as a basis in our 1938 report the footage of 1955 ft. shown in Mr. H. A. Tolandrs letter June 7, 1938? from this, we retired 80 ft. under W0-407 in 1940, and 880 ft, under WO-416 in 1941, which would leave 995 ft. in plaoe today. This is apparently the 3-*lnch line running through the Grammar School yard on South Fifth Street, between Clark and Bridger Streets