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I agree.Las Veg&s - Marsh 15# 1948 W 23-1-45 Mr. L. Ju Whites C ©e - Mr. Prank Strong) WO-592 authorised the construction of a 6* water line through Block 26 of 14th Street Addition for D. B. Woody under Buie 9-A. Be advanced the estimated cost, plus 10$ for supervision, or |1530»00. I enclose detail of charges to this Work Order which you will note amounts to 11226.04; adding 10$ for supervision brings the total cost to Woody #1348*64, and we attach Form 183 to cover refund of the balance, #181.36. Work Order was started February 3 and completed February 9, 1948, and followed lines of print attached to the Work Order. We are taking into the March MOH Account the 6N valve used on this job. Service numbers 1275 - 1300 are assigned to this refund agreement. A. M. Folger