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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - October 22, lfb§ V 2>l-20-B Mr. C. M. Cory: ( oe - Mr. Wm. Reinhardt Mr. g. E. Bennett) Referring to Mr. Reinhardt's letter October 20, file 1-733**» concerning revision of *H* L* B. 2115, with Horace Shidler covering pipe line extension to serve Block **, Mayfair Tract Mo. 2s X went over this agreement last night with Sal Shidler to be sure we had all of the corrections necessary and wish yon would include the following changes when the agreement is re-written. The agreement should be made with Contractors Equipment It Supply Co., Inc., a Nevada corporation with place of business located at 103** South Main Street, Las Vegas, Instead of Horace Shidler. Article X, Paragraph II Please change the amount to be advanced from $3****5.75 to $3368.75, the latter being the correct amount for 1750 feet of pipe described in the contract. Article £, Paragraph 2i Please change the word •part* to “parts* in the fifth line. Article IX, Paragraph 1? Change the sum of $3****5.75 to $3368.75. Over signature lips of subdivider, please type in name of the Corporation and provide space for signa­ture of President and attest of Secretary. Article II, Paragraph 2: After the words “May-fair Tract #2“ in third line insert the words "and on Lots 1-7, inclusive, Block **, Mayfair Tract #1“. A. M. Polger