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upr000170 419


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Hr. strong Page Hay 18, 1948 However we have arrived at a solution of this problem also by arranging with the residents In Block 10 and 11 to lay their own service lines from In Block 10 and this has been complete do tuord anye.arest main yesterday wIen acroen faedrveinsceed w itthaht GeDneelrkalln hAatst onrnoe yC eUrotNiafmiecea te of Public Convenience and Necessity from the Public aSpepravrleonet lCoym mliasisdi otnh,e sea nwda Jt.eHr. mLaaidnds h biesf oprree detchees sPourb llo ISef rDvellokel nCo mambainsdsoinosn wtahse lfionremesd .w e wUinldle rp trhoeb abollryo bumes rteaqnuoei red by the Public Service Commission to take over servloe In Ladd's Addition. Intention, Iwni alsl ymouuo hk iansd tlhya ta rrIasn agpep afroern Wtolry kH rO.r deDrelkln'e authority to oover the extension above reoommended. WSLfER R. BRACKEN' oo: HHrr.. EL..EA..BUeonNnaemtete