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I agree.Lao Vogao - August 17, 1948 ? 1-7-a Mr. R. H. Suttont Again referring to your letter August 6th listing certain delinquent ssoounts, to shlob I replied on August loth shoving stetus of ssoh. Vs Mde s physical ohsak of sobs of thsso Items sbloh bsve boon shut off for quite on extended period of tine snd I think vs should srlte then off for the follovlng reasons. Serrloe #3003, Irvin Burns. Xuvsstlgotloa develops house le abandoned and partially "reeked. X see no prospoot of reMSlag eervlos hers and rsoosBend #4,50 aaorued i to date be oharged off. Serrloe #3304, Arable Vers. This shook has been oondemnsd by olty authorities and ordered dismantled. Ovnsr has departed and I recommend the #6.00 aooruad to date be oharged off. 8ervloe #3003, Jerry Ingram. The sablna and trailers on this lot are deserted, light aster gone and the voter shut off. Ovnsr oannot be looatsd and X reo-ommend the Item be oharged off. X wrote you under separate cover oonosrnlng the 3 roots rental ltsaa. — oot l. A. ketoses BALTER R. BRACKEN X oonour In the above reeiaaMrelations. L GENERAL ATTORNEY