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    v S*ge Three !*«• T«8~ h*nd *«te r §|t Boob Employee Oocupatlon Amount 36 Rarrle, Kenneth dsst.Frt.eashier * 16.00 87 Wilson, R. J. Brakeaan 80,00 88 Beran, P. W. Swltohman 16.00 89 Zoung, Thos. H. * 18,00 40 Btout, 7. J. Brakeaan 15.00 41 K1lever, p. j. Fireman 15.00 48 Beyer, H. 3 . Brakeaan 16vO0 48 BOFarland, H. C. * 16.00 44 Leonard R. J. Crew Depr. 16.00 46 Brogan, Wm. * 16.00 47 Brown, It. B. Conduotor 16,00 48 Bayos, Bari E. Fireman 18.00 49 smith, Chaa. F. Brakeaan 18,00 60 Teas, D. D. Yard Clerk 17.60 81 Casey, 3. 0. Engineer 17.80 68 Zeager, 8. 0. • 17.60 68 Uumberger, Lather Switch Tender 17.60 6844 ACprepaeslo,n ,F rTa.n kJ . condu• otor 88.*7786 6666 Bwuarepabeyr,b eJr.g erB,. J . B. •* 88-.7766 66 Tully, 8. E. Oh. Id'. Clerk 17.60 68 Peterson, T. A. Brakeaan 17,60 69 Trlnnaman, C. W. Engineer 17.60