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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    \ LasVegas - Deoenbor 37, 1944. V 13-4-13 Mr. 0. 0. Shelton, 1C4a1l4if Sorounitha HHoosppsi tSatl.,, Los Angelos, Calif. Dear Mr. Shelton; Acknowledging reoelpt of your Air Mall letti of the 39th, regarding refund of room rental; ~ X wrote you under date of December 3Sth, at your Houston, Texas, address as folloest Indian?tReesp otrhta tf ryoomu rth er otoimm erkeente pIinn gt hBuer saas ooff B1e3o.e5m0b ewra,s dnuoet tproo ytoeucrt erds oIenl vtlhneg ftiirmset vou| c.h e"rt iblelf oyroueu dkKieindndua:loyty inioani wla uss m aad em.oney « t Of V315C Tours very truly. SALTER R. BRACE Tloe President.