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I agree.Los Angeles, Ju n e 10, 1937 085-355 M r , F. H. HcHamee; Referring to resent correspondence In connection with proposed new agreement between the Railroad Company a n d Las Vegas Land & Water Company, under which an increased charge per month was to be made for water sold the latter at Lae Vegas* ment for execution by the two parties, such agreement providing for a monthly charge of 0500 instead of the 0200 rate which has been in effect for some years past. I have concluded th^t inasmuch as we are going to install meters at Lae Vegas, we can hold in abeyance the new water contract until such meters have been provided and in use for a reasonable period, in order that we may have the benefit of actual measurements made for basis to be used in determining upon increased monthly charge. Mr. Halsted sent me with his letter May 18 agreeAfter giving this situation further consideration, F. H. Knickerbocker C G - M r . A .8.Halsted Mr.R.L.Adamson