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    t utilities A f p t tha «r tha Railroad raflaet tha feattaraant aaootMtlac prmtleaa prasarihad >jr tha Coawerca 8oaale«iaa. tharafora la or&ar that Millay p t M U o M widar tha proposed eottnot @*» oaaforn tharato, It njr he aaeaaaary to a&latala a record ta addi­tion ta the ordinary aeeamto of the Jlallroad shewing tha original east of tha water production f&ellltlas aa increased fraa tiaa to time hy «ay additions aad hatteraaats thereto node la accordance with rtlirauat accounting practices, I also coll /oar attention to tha fact that tha rain© af tha water production facilities of tha Railroad, apoa which tha return la ceapetad under tha contract, la a depreciated walne thereof, fhla la tha haste «*ad la tha Wehe report la doreleplng tha charge which tha Ball road sheaId aaka upon tha fifhftMSe. far water furnished ta tha latter, fhta la a natter which haa haaa discussed hy hr. Sol altar and Mr. Wefca i^a hare, I understand, reconciled thalr t i m . X axpaet ta proceed with awr request for a rata iaaraaaa Im tha vary near future and will appreciate It if tha oneatlm af tha aside sad agreaaant can ha progressed aa rapidly »a possible. (Sfcnd) lHf. RElNBARDBt Vm» Reinhardt ECH/J