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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    N Annual Report to the State Public Service Commission 13 GENERAL STATISTICS 1. Source of water supply........fctir»-<fr 2. Maximum amount of water available__ 2l+Stj2.iJSUB , /(.offil g .T j In n © - f j i c t 3. Total water pumped or diverted from stream..........U on& _________....__________ 4. Total water sold or metered....................j2.^2.5.Z,.7.4A<.^CX}....g&iA0nS-______ 5. Total water unaccounted for......................... 2Q?.iS.'Z5.^6.S3...gQ.2JX!i!!S__ l/ .... 6. Collecting canals and supply mains (fe e t): Size, inches In use first o f year In use at end of year None 7. Transmission mains (feet) : Size, inches 2/ In use first of year In use at end of year 10 l , 5Sft f t , f.flpf. Jron ........... 1?....... * * * .... _3^.12&....ft....... ft..,..... ft—. 16...... l i ' 5?3 * 5 * —.lllS jjL —ft........ft........ ft............ % ...i ....t " . j ” .............,......................... toTffife " « « f t » t r a n s its l i M g # trari|ite ................................ 20 p 071?— H....... XI................................................... „ - . i j . j i ~fnn1 2 , y 7$ * » .... “ " ...1^ 10'GO ' ............. ................ 8. Distribution mains (feet) : Size, inches In use first of year .I r o n C a s t I r o n S t o o l In use at end of year C a st Ifo r* 995 * ...........9©SL£fc*...................... ............ .....................................2^^^QQ..ijuo................................. .............. ...................3 7 .,6 ? O f t ® ........... .................................. S Q *287..1“ ........ .......................... ........ ..........................$0,283..................................._... 6 ..... / m n f t . .............. A in30 f t . 8 4 9 .3 1 0 1 ....................................4 9 ,2 1 0 «....................... ?% . ------------- j j - ...............j ’i j i — * -------- - - - - - .........-........... m :.................... — 9. Reservoirs: Type Capacity IpMaa, ............... ...................2 f 5 0 0 r 0 0 Q p ff t l la n a .............. ......... 10. Purification system: Type Capacity per 24 hours S e t t l i n g - b a s i n ( 2 ) ......1 2 ..Q M .O Q Q . o a r - d a v . ........... - ......... ....................... ..................... .............. .............. ............... . l/AvaiJabi© water not used in c it y is used fo r irrig a tion purposes at the lae Vegt 2/Steins owned by Union P a cific Hailroad Company, BQXB: In addition to the amount o f water produced fo r sola or leased by the las Vegas land and Water Conip^ny, as shown in item L, above, an amount o f 501,854,075 gallons me also produced by the. wells'and s p r ig s described in. itasn l'.above, and u tilise d or sold by the Union P a cific Bailrosd Cdropany, lasaue o f the Los Angeles and Salt Lake Hailroad Company which ovms the watar f a c i lit ie s at Xus Vagaa jo in tly with the Las Vegas Lend and Water Company®