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    EM PLOYEES AN D T H E IR COMPENSATION ^VThe respondent shall show the particulars concerning the number of employees and the rates of compensation for each class in the service of the respondent, called for in this schedule. In columns (h) to (aa), inclusive, show the classification of employees on the basis of the normal rate of weekly compensation exclusive _ of pay for overtime work, anniversary payments and bonuses, or deductions on account of absence, and similar payments. Part time employees, i. e., employees whose regular duties are such as to require that they be engaged for less than normal weekly working periods, should be separately reported in the columns representative of their normal I rate of weekly compensation, with appropriate footnote reference. For employees shown in columns (z) and (aa) show in a footnote the average weekly rate of compensation for each class. Class of E mployees (a ) Officers and operating heads...................... Attorneys, engineers, and accountants...... Clerical employees.........r............................... Local managers and commercial agents.... Operators and service inspectors.............. Plant construction and maintenance men. All other employees..................................... Total................................................................ N umber of E mployees in Service at E nd of Month N amed JUNE DECEMBER Male (b) Female Total (c) (d) Male (e) Female Total (f) (g) N U M B E R O F E M P L O Y E E S C L A S S IF IE D A C C O R D IN G T O R A T E O F C O M P E N S A T IO N P E R W E E K A S O F J U N E 80 L es s t h a n $5 $5 TO $6.99 $7 TO $8.99 $9 to $11.99 $12 TO $14.99 1 $16 TO $17.99 $18 TO $23.99 $24 TO $35.99 $36 TO $59.99 $60 AND OVER Male (h) Female (i) Male (i) Female' Male Female (k) (1) (m) Male (n) Female (o) Male (p> Female Male (q) (r) Female (s) Male (t) F emale (u) Male (v) Female (w ) Male (x ) Female (y) Male (z) Female (aa) ......... N U M B E R O F E M P L O Y E E S C L A S S IF IE D A C C O R D IN G T O R A T E O F C O M P E N S A T IO N P E R W E E K A S O F D E C E M B E R 31 L es s t h a n $5 $5 TO $6.99 $7 to $8.99 $9 TO $11.99 $12 TO $14.99 $15 TO $17.99 $18 t o $23.99 $24 TO $35.99 $36 TO $59.99 . $60 AND OVER Male (h) Female (i) Male Female (j) 1 (k) Male (1) Female (m) Male (n) Female (o) Male (p) Female (q) Male (r) Female (8) Male (t) Female (u) Male (v) Female (w) Male (x ) Female (y) Male 1 Female (z) (aa)