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    V Annual Report to the State Public Service Commission 6 UNAMORTIZED DEBT DISCOUNT AND EXPENSE List hereunder the various issues of long term debt represented by items in the above-named account on the balance sheet and for each show the particulars below called for. Explain in a footnote the charges made during the year and if any credits represent charges to fixed capital accounts explain them also. Name of debt to which discount and expense relate (a) Balance in account at beginning of year $ (b) 4 Charges to account during .$ jCc) 4 I d t 6 M o s * Credits to A ccounts D uring Year Charged to Balance in account at end of f&St 1t s,t M L 4 6 M OSo Fixed capital $ (d) 4 Profit and loss $ (e) 4 Income % (f) 4 H o n © Total PROPERTY ABANDONED List hereunder all items included in this account at any time during the year, giving for each the particulars below called for. List below the accounts charged, with the credits listed in column (e) showing the amount charged to each account. Item . (a) f: Year of abandonment (b) Balance in account at beginning of year $ (C) 4 Amount charged during 3^5?* «d)feoso* Amount credited _J uringSaaP* 6 djfi>® «4 Balance in account Non® Total The accounts charged with credits shown in 'column (e) are as follow s: MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE List hereunder every item equal to or in excess of $100 included under the foregoing title on the balance sheet at the end of the year, and state its book value at that date. Items each less than $100, should be aggregated and the number of such items and their total stated. Item §§ Book value at begin­ning of year $ (b) 4 Charges durinjf^Sar 1st 6 Sogo * Credits duringyear f ® t 6 (dilO S e * Book value at end $ 4 — ,— ----------------------------- Hoc® TotalT REASURY SECURITIES List hereunder by classes all securities of the respondent which at the end of the year have been nominally but not actually issued, and state the par value of each class included in the item “Treasury Securities” on the balance sheet at the end of the year. “Nonpar” stocks, if any, should be shown in memorandum only. Item (a) Hone Total Par value $ (b) 4 Item (c) Total Par value (d) 4