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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas Morning Sun-June 13, 3951 Wafer Contract to Be Signed Tomorrow Between District, CRC .normal signing of a contract for 10,000,000 gallons of water dally, to be delivered by the Colo­rado River Commission to the Las Vegas Valley Water District, will be held tomorrow afternoon m the office of Thomas A. Camp­bell, president of the water dis­trict board of directors. The contract is an interim agreement, to be replaced later by a permanent one after details of a credit - to state of Nevada from the federal government are worked out. Immediately following the sign­ing of the contract, it will be dispatched to Washington for approval of the General Services Administration, which is the final action needed to make it official and binding. Sen. Pat McCarran has .as­sured t: he will sible th contract ne. water district board assist in every way pos-e final approval of the by GSA. Sent by Mr. R. A. Blonde, Las Vegas, on 6/13/51