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    ? disturbance, labor disturbance, sabotage, and restraint by court or public authority, which, by exercise of due dili-genoe and foresight, suph party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid. Either party rendered unable to fulfill any obligation by reason of uncontrollable forbee shall exercise due diligence to remove such inability with all reasonable dispatch. INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE 3 7. BMI shall be permitted to interrupt deliver­ies of water hereunder for reasonable periods of time for the purpose of making necessary inspections of or repairs to the Water Facilities. Such inspections and repairs in so far as practical shall be made at regularly scheduled intervals of which the Water District shall be given reason able advance notice* DISPUTES AND DISAGREEMENTS 38. Disputes or disagreements between or among the parties hereto as to the interpretation or performance of the provisions of this agreement shall be determined either by arbitration or court proceedings. If In any such arbitration or court proceedings or otherwise any sum 26.