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    foiling plaeee. doneral election law $anvaa* of VOtCS Regular election* ferae of offloe. of their number or of all their number ear® one, may reduee the number of eleotlon preoinot* to one or more within the district, establish the boundaries thereof, and fix the polling place or planes therein. The board of county eon-mis aloners shall glee notice of such election, which shall be published for two weeks prior to such eleotlon In a news­paper within the county where the petition is filed. Rush notice shall require the sieotors to east ballets whlsh shall contain the words "Water Bis trio t - lee* or "Water Dis­trict - B e % or words equivalent thereto, and the names of persons to be voted for as directors. For the purpose of thle election, the board shall establish a polling place In each election precinct aforesaid, and shall also appoint three quali­fied electors to aet as inspectors of election in each election precinct, and alec appoint for each precinct two clerks of elec­tion. the record of the board of county eomalsslonor* of the proceedings had and taken by it under the pro vis ions of this act shall be, in the absence of fraud, conclusive evidence of the matters and things therein recited, it®, b, Except as in this act otherwise provided, all such elections shall be conducted as near as may be practicable in accordance with the general election laws of this state, including the right to vote by absent voter** ballot, the board of county commissioners shall meet on the second Monday succeeding such election and proceed to canvass the votes cast thereat, and If upon such canvass it appear# that a majority of the electors voted "Water District - fee* the board, by an order entered upon Its minutes, shall declare such territory duly organised as a water district under the name and style theretofore designated, and shall declare the preseas receiving, respectively, the highest number of votes for directors to be duly elected, and shall cause a copy of such order and a plat of said district, each duly certified by the clerk of the board of county animals a loner®, to be imme­diately filed for record in the office of the county recorder of ©lark County, and certified copies thereof shall ale© be filed with the county clerk of Clark Comity, and thereafter the organisation of the district shall be eesplete. Bee. 5. the regular elections of such water district shall .be held' on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in April of the second calendar year after the completion of the organ­isation thereof, and on the same day biennially thereafter, biennially after the first regular election therein. The direc­tors elected at the organisation eleotlon shall be selected by lot so that three directors shall hold office until their suo-ceseors &r# elected at the next regular election and qualify, and four directors shall hold office until their succcccors arc elec­ted at the second regular election after organisation and qualify, and at the regular election biennially thereafter director# shall' be elected, to replace the dir to tore whs## terms expire, for terms of four years, or until their successors &r# elected and qualify. Directors so elected shall have the qualifies- (Senate Bill Bo* 1&7 * Senator Baker - Continued) - 5 -