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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    COPY Los Angeles, February 24, 1950 085-01 Mr. a . E. Stoddards Recommendation for authority to change classification and rates of pay of LVLfcW labor forces, Las Vegas. No increase in payroll. During the past several years, our water distribution system has been greatly extended. Maintenance and operation thereof has been handled without any inorease in our labor person­nel. To handle emergency repairs at night, on Saturdays, Sun­days holidays, it has been necessary to call upon our labor foroes. This has involved on average of 65 hours at cost of approximately #110 per week. In order to reduce penalty over­time to a minimum, 1 propose, subject to your approval, to re­organise present maintenance force, consisting ofi 1 - water Service Helper at #1.25 p er hour j ? Laborers at #1.09 per hou r as follows! Par force? 1 - Water Servioe Repairman at #1.46 per hour 3 - Laborers at #1.25 per hour Niaht forces 1 - Water Service Repairman at #1.46 per hour This employe to check all night complaints and make necessary emerge no y repairs, calling upon the labor gang only in such cases as he is unable to handle alone. The proposed rates are comparable with those being paid in Las Vegas for similar work. I recommend approval of the attached Form 2120 establish ing the new rates as of Maroh 1, 1950* Wm. Reinhardt