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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    (COPY) L-iS Y a g a s, Nevada April 20, 1936 W 2 3 -6 Mr. Lee S. Scott, Secretary, Public Service Commission, Carson City, Blevada. Dear Sir; Referring to your letter April 14th, enclos­ing copy of the Cowmission’s order requiring re-filing of the rules and regulations of utilities prior to May 15, 1936: Tn accordance therewith, I am sending you three copies of our present schedule of rates, rules and regulations, which la the same as that approved by the Commission in its order dated August 2 8 , 1931» with the following exception: Rule 10, cancelled by the last paragraph of the Commission’s order above referred to, was reinstated by the Commissios’s Supplemental Order, "I&S Docket 52" dated September 24, 1931, providing however that the charge for tapping mains was reduced from #8.50 to $5 *0 0 ; this change has been shown accordingly, in the enclosed schedule of rates, rules and regulations. If the enclosed schedule does not comply in all ways with the requirements o f the C o m m i s s i o n , will you please let me know, and I shall be glad to straighten It out • Yours very truly, f S E m 'ft. Vice President and Agent