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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF NEVADA. Carson City December 8, 1931 Mr. F. R. MeNames, Genl Atty Los Angelas m Salt Lake Railroad Co Los Angelas, California Tear Mr, MeNamea: Enclosed is letter from H. D. Buslek of the South Nevada Land and Development Company, in which complaint is made against this Commission in not giving said Company a hearing, ete. Admission is made that both wholesale and retail bills have not been paid and collected. A weak or so ago Leo McNamee called and we have a nice little visit. Among other things, he brought a per­sonal message from you to the effect that you expected to arrange satisfactory purchase or operating arrangement soon, I again express tbs hope that this may be accomplished and an Investigation of both wholesale and retail rates avoided. There is enclosed a copy of my acknowledgement of Mr. Busick’s letter of November 23rd. With all good wishes, 1 am, Very sincerely yours, J. F. Shaughnessy Chairman C O P Y VI