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FOREWORD CONTENTS The purpose o f the follow in g Rules and R egulations is to define the obligations o f the Departm ent to consumers, and o f consumers to the Departm ent. These Rules and R egulations, w hich have been approved b y the P u blic U tilities Commission, em body a uniform practice in the installation o f services and the extension o f mains. A w ord about deposits: R equiring a deposit casts no reflection on the in tegrity o f a consumer. It is a necessary practice. A fte r tw elve months * continuous w ater use and paym ent o f bills, the deposit is returned. A s to extensions: W here extensions are unremu-nerative, the D epartm ent asks applicants to bear the cost. A s consum ption increases and justifies the expense incurred, the Departm ent returns the deposit made to cover the original cost. These rules governing deposits and extensions are responsive to the conditions under w hich initial service is given. The first is necessary when dealing w ith new consumers. The second is a safeguard against the possibility o f unwise investm ent on the part o f the Departm ent. The Departm ent aims to co-operate w ith the consumer to elim inate w ater w aste and to keep the w ater b ill down. I t w ill install more than one service connection w ith m eter to new flats where piping is planned to that end. I t requires the installation o f control valves on house piping betw een the meter and the first fixture outlet on the premises. Needless to say, the Departm ent w elcom es the opportunity to explain any provision in the Rules and Regulations. Herein, as in all other matters, its Service D ivision is at the command o f every ^ con sumer. W herever the w ord Departm ent appears in these Rules and R egulations the San F rancisco W ater D epartm ent is inferred. Rule Page EM ERGENCY RULES AND REGULATIONS IN COMPLIANCE W ITH NATIONAL DEFENSE PROGRAM— Section A A . _______, ..... ____ 1 5 INSTALLATION OF SERVICES— Section A. Application by owner of the premises__________ Installation at the expense of the Department— in City and County of San Francisco____ .____ Service to property on private roads, lanes, courts, e t c .___ _______________________ __ _____ Exceptions ........... .... ................... ............................__ Service to property on streets in which Department’s mains are not laid______________ .... Control valves on house piping.. 1 Damage through pipes and fixtures.. Separate service One service'supplying two or more consumers.... Temporary service ___ ____________ .....____ ___ ....... Change of location or size of service... Where basement extends under the sidewalk.... Sprinkler service __ v__________......___ Main extension for sprinkler services. Location of services 3 3a 3b 4 567 8 9-10 11 1122a 12b r Owners and agents must apply for service before extending house pipe.________________ ______ Services must conform to building and fire ordinances ___ _______________ ......______ ______ __ Cross connections _________ ..._____..._______________ Department to connect service________________ ...... Ground wire attachments ___________________ _____ Wilful damage to Department’s meters or other property____...— ...______________ __________ __ -| INSTALLATIO N-OF SERVICES OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO— Section A l. Restrictions — ....._ --------------------—— Points at which connections to transmission lines will be made.___________ __________ __ _____ Supply lines at expense of applicant____________ Location of meters and responsibility for water delivered ... ___________ ______________ _______ — Fire service from transmission lines...-__________ Department responsibility for pressure................. EXTENSIONS OF M AINS IN THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO— Section B. nd location of pipes..... ....................... ............ . When cost does not exceed four times the annual revenue___ _______ ________ —c. -------------- When cost exceeds four times the annual revenue —— —------- — — — 66 7777 7 98 10 1103 13 12c 13 12d 12e 13 14 15 13 13 15 15 15 1 16 2 16 3 17 4 17 5 IT. 6 17 1 1 2 18 3 18 2 7