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    \ Sier r a P a c ific Po w e r Company Reno, N e v a d a -3- I| i( Itj (c) In case m o r e than one bui l d i n g is supplied through one service, the regular charge for each bu i l d i n g will b e made# Whenever the u s e of water in either of the buildings is discontinued, the water charge for the b u i l d i n g in que s t i o n will continue to be p a y a b l e b y the owner, until an additional service is installed b y the owner f r o m the bu i l d i n g to the curb-line, making it p ossible for the Company to actually discontinue water service to the building. (d) In case of a store building, apartment house, office b uilding or any other bu i l d i n g where water is to b e supplied to a number of tenants, the owner will remain responsible for the total water charge. If, however, it is de-the water Chfurge segregated in order that different p o rtions of the charge to be assumed b y various tenants, service connections shall b e so a rranged as to make it p o ssible for the Company to separately discontinue the f ^ p l y to each of the Portions of the building, for the water charge of w h i c h the various tenants have assumed responsibility.' The necessary service connections m a y be either separate shut-offs at the curb line or lock-cock shut­offs accessible to the Company in the basement of the pr e m i s e s supplied, ? o T° f5fect a discontinuance of the m o n t h l y charge for a non-automatic toilet, the toilet shall b e completely r e m oved and the supply p i p e to it tapped, ^f; All bills f*r water service are r e n d e r e d monthly, and such bills are due a n d p a yable at the office of the Company on the date rendered. In case the Customer neglects to p a y bills for service within fifteen days from the date on w h i c h they become due, the Company m a y discontinue service at any time without further notice. 5, GENERAL (a) N o one, without permission, shall turn the w a t e r on and off at the curb— c o c k except the Company*s representatives. (b) The Company*s representatives shall be p e r m i t t e d to enter the p r e m ­ises of the Customer at all reasonable times to inspect the fixtures in use. (c) The Company shall exercise reasonable diligence and care to f u rnish an d deliver w a t e r to the Customer and to avoid interruption of delivery of such water, but, nevertheless, shall not be liable to the customer for any loss or damage which m a y be occasioned to the latter b y an y failure on the part of the C o npany so to deliver such water or b y an y interruption of delivery of such w a t e r or b y any variation in the p ressure of such water or for any loss or damage which m a y be occasioned b y water deli v e r e d b y it, if such failure, interruption, variation, loss or damage w h i c h shall b e caus e d b y inevitable accident, .Act of God, fire, strikes, riots, war or any other cause, except its own voluntary act or omission or its neglect to exercise reasonable care a n d diligence. In case of emergency the Conpany will shut off the water in a n y district without notice. The Company will, however, us e every effort to n o t i f y i n advance all customers who will b e without water from a n y cause k n o w n in advance to the Company, such as shutting off water for routine repairs to mains, or connecting m a i n extensions. A n y such w o r k will b e r u s h e d to completion b y the Company to a l l o w the resumption of full service w i t h the shortest p o s s i b l e interruption. \ Filed b y George A. Campbell P resident Effec t i v e M a y 15, 1924