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    (a) The pa r t y or p a rties who have thus advanced p a r t of the cost of an extension, will be entitled to a m o n t h l y refund of 10$ of the annual bills for electric energy u s e d for power, h e a t i n g an d cooking equipment, or an y combination thereof, b y all of the consumers for w h o m the extension was built, for a p e r i o d not to exceed ten years from the date service was first re n d e r e d f rom the extension. This will a p p l y in all cases except agricultural installations where the refu n d will b e p a yable within thirty days after the end of the agri­cultural season. This character of ref u n d will not a p p l y for equipment subse­quently added to the extension w h e n the same is m e t e r e d separately from the equipment originally contracted for. (b) R e f u n d o n account of additional equipment connected to an extension where such equipment is m e t e r e d separately from the equipment for which the extension was b u i l t will be m a d e as follows: F o r each lighting consumer . . .................... .$25.00 F o r each refrigerator consumer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 25.00 F o r each kil o w a t t of additional h e a t i n g or oooking l o a d ................... 6.00 F o r each h o r s e p o w e r of additional p o w e r l o a d .......... ..... ............. 10.00 Such refund will b e m ade within thirty days from the time the additional busi­n ess is served an d will bec o m e payable, in chronological order of deposit, to the p a r t y or p a r ties who h a v e previo u s l y m ade deposits for extensions for ser­vice, p r o v i d e d there still remains an outstanding advance o n any p art of the facilities req u i r e d in supplying service to the added equipment. R e f u n d for additional bus i n e s s connected to a subsequent extension will be m a d e only after ail advances on p revious extensions, nece s s a r y for supplying service to such subsequent extension, have b e e n p a i d in full. A l l refunds shall be made for a p e r i o d not to exc e e d ten years from the date service wa s first rendered from the extension. (c) All refunds, whether for power bi l l s or for additional business, will b e ap­p o r t i o n e d among parties who have made advances on the same extension in ac­cordance with the ratio of their individual advances to the totai amount advanced. (C) R e a l Estate Subdivisions. Lines will b e constructed in real estate subdivisions in advance of applica­tion for services o nly w hen the entire cost o f such lines (exclusive of trans­formers, meters and services), is advanced to the Company. R e f u n d on such ad­v a n c e payment during the p e r i o d o f ten years, for business connected to the line c o vered b y the advance will be m a d e as follows: F o r each lighting c o n s u m e r .......... .. . ............. ................... $50 . 0 0 F o r each refrigerator c o n s u m e r ......................... .. .............. .. 25.00 F o r each kil o w a t t of h e a t i n g o r cooking load ............................ 6.00 F o r each h o r s epower o f power l o a d .............................. 10.00 This rule applies in cases where lines are c o n structed through p art or all of a subdivision before applications are m ade for service. E x t e nsions to serve individual applicants on such tracts w ill b e g o verned b y the general rule applicable. (D) Extensions for Temporary or Speculative Business. Extens i o n s for temporary service or speculative business, such as oil wells, mining, amusements, etc., will no t be m ade u n d e r this rule but will be m ade in accordance w ith the rules an d regulations pertaining to temporary service. (E) Exceptional Cases in U n usual Circumstances. W hen the application of these rules appears impracticable or unjust to either party, or in case of the extension o f lines of a hig h e r voltage, the Company o r the applicant m a y refer the matter to the Railroad' Commission for special r u l i n g o r for the approval of special conditions, m u t u a l l y agreed upon.